Special Feature Printing 29 May 2019 – Advertise with Us

Youth unemployment is one South Africa’s biggest challenges and dominates political debate in the country as the recently-ended general election demonstrated. Be that as it may, social and economic experts are agreed that young people should receive guidelines as to their options for further study after Grade 12 .

The Star is set to publish a feature titled PLAN YOUR FUTURE, aimed at helping Grade 12 Learners acquire the training and the skills that will better their chances of employment on the job market.

We will distribute copies of The Star and Pretoria News edition carrying the feature to various schools in Gauteng in order to expose learners to the institutions advertising in the feature. That way, they will know where to enroll for the skills they want to acquire.

The Star is an influential daily in Gauteng and the surrounding regions, making it a worthwhile investment vehicle for advertisers looking for good returns on their advertising spend.

Contact Shoneez Nadasen on +27 11 633 2142  or  e-mail [email protected]

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         Print Publication Date: 29 May 2019 

         Print Advertising Deadline: 27 May 2019 

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