A LEARNERSHIP is a work-based approach to learning and gaining a qualification that combines classroom training (theory) with
workplace training (practical). A learnership is registered with the Department of Labour through a Sector Education and Training Authority
(Seta), and leads to a national qualification and/or credits towards it.

• Recognises and formalises an employee’s experience and knowledge gained over the years;
• Provides a route to employment or self-employment;
• Provides a learner with practical, on the job experience;
• Allows learners to earn while they learn;
• Offers a stipend to learners to cover travel costs;
• Leads to further learning and gives learners the opportunity to gain a qualification through a structured learning programme;
• A good qualification provides a basis for further personal development. It improves work standards and job satisfaction.


Step 1: Identify the skills you want
Think about the kind of training or job you are looking for.

Step 2: Register as job seeker
Your nearest labour centre will help employers to find you if they offer a learnership.

Step 3: Find employers that offer learnerships
Contact Setas to find out which employers offer learnerships. Ask friends and family to look out for openings and watch adverts in the
newspapers and on the internet.

Step 4: Prepare a CV
Include your personal details (name, date of birth, etc), education (last institution attended and qualifications), work experience (names
of previous employers and duties that you carried out), other skills (driver’s licence, computer skills, etc) and references (names and
contact details of people who know you well or previous employers).

Step 5: Brush up on your interview skills
Think of the kind of questions you may be asked. Practise with a friend.

Step 6: Update your details
Keep in contact with your labour centre and update your details when they change.

Frequently asked questions

1. How long does a learnership take ?

It usually takes a year, but some learnership programmes can take two or more years.

2. What are the benefits?

You will receive a nationally recognised qualification upon successful completion of the learnership. You will gain work experience that
will improve your chances of getting work.

3. What are the entry requirements?

Most entry requirements require a Grade 12 certificate.

4. What will the training cost?

You do not pay anything to participate in a learnership programme. Learnerships are sponsored by the Setas.

5. How much will a learner earn?

All learners must be paid a learner allowance or stipend by the employer. The stipend is not a salary, but should cover costs such as
travel and meals.

More information can be obtained from any of the 21 Setas (see table above). You can contact them to find out about learnerships close
to you.
Learnerships are advertised in all the major newspapers and on the internet (on career and company websites).
Your local Department of Labour is another source of information. Remember to register as a job seeker.
Ask your working friends and family. They may recieve circulars with vacancies from time to time.
FET colleges and private training companies compile databases of people who want to join a learnership. Try to make contact with

Churches, youth organisations and community development organisations could assist you to find a learnership.
Ask your school guidance counsellor.
Ask your HR or training department about employed learnerships.
Be proactive. You need to find out about opportunities that are available out there.

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