Dream job or not, you’re bound to encounter work related stress from time to time. However, the stress can be overwhelming and result in burnout. 

Although burnout isn’t a medical diagnosis, some medical experts believe that other mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression can be a result of it.

How do I know I’m experiencing a burnout?

Does your job make you feel stressed or do you dread going to work? If so, then you may be experiencing symptoms of burnout. While there may not be a quick fix way to handle or deal with burnout, there are a few ways you could help alleviate, avoid or recover from it.

Step back and take a break

If you’re experiencing a total loss of motivation and no energy then it’s time to step back and take a break. You may not be able to go on a full vacation, but taking a few days off for your mental and physical health can do you good.

During this break,  try to shut yourself off from work and to focus on things that genuinely make you happy whether it’s spending time with your family or simply relaxing and watching your favourite tv show or movie. This is the perfect time for a little self care.

Get some rest

It goes without saying that when you’re stressed, you look for ways to unwind and destress. One way you can fully give your body the break it needs is by getting enough sleep. With enough sleep you’ll be able to restore and protect your well-being and mental health.

Manage your workflow

Try not to say yes to every task you get then prioritise and work based on your capacity. Keep a checklist or a to-do list to help manage your workflow while staying organised.

Be realistic and ask yourself whether or not you’ll be able to meet the deadline and whether or not it will affect your overall progress and performance. 

While you may not be immune to experiencing burnout, by simply understanding what causes it and how you can deal with it, you’ll be able to create a happier and wholesome working environment for yourself.

Keep an open mind and try not to prioritise the demands of work over your mental and physical health.

Written by Aaliyah Fortuin

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