The 21-day lockdown restrictions in South Africa have led to many uncertainties for a lot of job seekers. The prospects of employment seem even more bleak, considering that many companies have either closed or are working remotely for this period with no certainty of when they will go back to normal. Without any clear indication of what is to happen next, job seekers are left to wonder if they should pause on their quest for employment or worse, give up entirely and continue living without any possibility of earning an income.

While the outbreak of Covid-19 has disrupted and caused even more strain to our economy, there are still ways that can aid in society being productive during this time. For job seekers in particular, Jake Willis, who is the CEO of Lulaway, a youth employment hub that pioneers youth employment solutions says, ”It is important for job seekers to understand that these are unprecedented times in the job market, the best thing to do right now is to equip yourself with the knowledge and skills that are necessary for you to break into whatever specific industry that you want.”

The trick for job seekers is to stay motivated, focused and to explore the various virtual options that are at their disposal. Willis highlights four critical things that job seekers can do during this lockdown to ensure that they improve their employment prospects:

  • Register on job portals

    It is incredibly important for job seekers to continue applying for jobs even under the current circumstances. Lulaway, which has 750 000 registered job seekers is a great platform for positioning job seekers as they try to find employment. Young people who are looking to be absorbed into the job market need to utilise the resources that job portals have made available. An unemployed person can register with Lulaway on WhatsApp to be able to apply for jobs that are available and increase their chances of being employed.

  • Upskill

    This is a good opportunity for young people to learn new skills, brush up on their knowledge and to become better communicators. With the dawn of digitisation, people have now become accustomed to doing many important things digitally, from conducting business online to enrolling in free online courses to upskill.

  • Writing courses
  • Administration courses
  • Management courses
  • Digital strategist/coordinator courses
  • Social Media management courses
  • Communications courses

These are just some of the various courses that one can take online to become more employable. A lot of these online courses are also free which makes it easier for those that are financially at a disadvantage. Google gives free digital e-workshops with digital certificates.

  • Fix your CVs and brush up on your interview skills

    As an employment expert, Willis says many young people don’t know how to formulate a good CV. Update your CV and fix common errors, and use this time to brush up your skills and career goals. In addition, learning how to conduct yourself during an interview, and how to articulate yourself with confidence is important and thus should be something that job seekers brush up on during the lockdown.

  • Use data wisely

    Having basic internet access is crucial at this time. Use your data to register on job portals, apply for jobs and to upskill by taking up an online course. It is also important to read books, keep mentally and physically fit by stretching and doing home exercises. If possible, use this time to also learn a new language. This will help you a lot in the job market as employers want diverse individuals. “The lockdown is unfortunate and has set a lot of us back but things will stabilise at some point, as job seekers you want to be ready for the world of work once a sense of normalcy is re-established.” concludes Willis.

Provided by The Dynaste Comms Firm

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