PEOPLE who accomplish great things in business recognise the importance of other
people to their success. The quality of our relationship with our colleagues, employers
and employees are largely responsible for our success or failure.

Did you know?
The average executive spends three quarters of their time dealing with people.
The largest single cost in most businesses is people.
The biggest and most valuable asset a company has is its people.
Plans made at executive level are carried out by or fail to be carried out by people.

Tips to build good relationships with people

1. Get to know people
Finding out and remembering an important thing about people has a positive effect. It
is a sign that we care and can create a positive and lasting bond.
Get to know people by name. Walk about, greet by name, and ask about family and
important things you may know about.

2. Be a good listener
People who listen attentively when someone talks have the ability to build great
relationships. If we are kind, we can persuade the most reserved person to talk about

3. Make people feel important
There is nothing more important than people. It costs nothing to show respect and
It makes people feel important and does wonderful things for them.

4. Avoid arguments
Arguments are the forceful attempt to change another person’s point of view. It
always results in a win-lose situation and may cause damage to a relationship.
Even if you win the argument, you risk losing the relationship.
The next time you find yourself about to engage in an argument, first listen, look for
areas of agreement and postpone action to give both parties time to think the problem

5. Ask for advice
People love the opportunity to show their expertise. Asking someone to help you is a
great way to start a good relationship.
Remember to keep the relationship mutually beneficial or it will not last too long.

6. Show you care
It is often said: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much
you care.” All the knowledge and talent in the world won’t impress or influence
anyone unless they know we genuinely care about them.

7. Show empathy
Be considerate of people’s feeling. There is great power in the ability to show respect
and consideration for someone’s feeling or situation.

8. Don’t use people
Advancing oneself at the expense of others only gives the illusion of success.
It hurts people and ultimately oneself in the end.
Using people for your own benefit is a short cut to success. It reduces the number of
people who will be willing to help along the way.

9. Bring something to the table
Make your interactions rewarding by exchanging ideas, business opportunities,
information for personal growth and encouragement.
Bringing something positive to the table enhances positive relationships.

10. Be consistent
When we don’t fulfil our obligations, whether it is intentional or unintentional, we
lose credibility.
Our words should always match our actions to maintain consistency.

People must first buy into you before they buy into your vision or product.

• Pick a person each week to get to know better. Remember the information and ask
genuine questions;

• Conduct regular self-reflection to check if you take advantage of others and take
steps to mend the relationship;

• Be creative in your ideas of sharing helpful information with people for their
personal development.

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