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Labour legislation requires of employers to ensure that their “…standards of conduct are clear and made available to employees in a manner that is easily understood.” Therefore, two of the many things that an employer may be required to prove when it is dragged to the CCMA are that:

In the case of Moolman vs Nu Vision Aluminium (Pty) Ltd (2008, 9 BALR 805) the employer discovered that the employee was doing private work outside working hours and instructed him to resign and to go home. The arbitrator found:

This makes it clear that:

A Disciplinary Code is an internal document devised by the employer in which the rules of conduct are spelt out and in which the suggested penalties for breaking these rules are listed. As required by Schedule 8 of the LRA, these penalties need to be appropriate in the light of the seriousness of the offence. 

When designing and implementing your Disciplinary Code remember:


In view of the dangers involved in designing faulty disciplinary codes and in the implementation thereof it is crucial that all employers assign a labour law and industrial relations expert to:

To observe our experts debating hot labour law topics please go to and click on the Labour Law Debate item in the main menu.