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Dirty hands unhealthy at CCMA

BY Ivan Israelstam, Chief Executive of Labour Law Management Consulting. He may be contacted on 011 888 7944 or 082 852 2973 or on e-mail address: Visit: Labour Law Management Consulting.

In common law employers and employees have the obligation to treat each other fairly and within the law.

For its part, the employer is required to pay the employee the agreed remuneration by the normal pay date. The employer is also required to employ the employee in reasonable working conditions and to avoid rendering the employment circumstances intolerable. Failing this, the employee is entitled to seek legal remedy.

The employee has the obligation towards the employer to refrain from misrepresenting his/her qualifications and to carry out his/her work to the best of his/her ability. The employee is also obliged to behave in an honest and reasonable manner, to serve the interests of the employer and to refrain from rendering the employment relationship intolerable. Failing this, the employer has a right to legal remedies including discipline, dismissal and even court action.

While both parties have legal recourse against the infractions of the other they must beware of the dangers of taking such action. That is:

Alternatively, where the employee claims unfair dismissal at CCMA, but is proved to have committed the misconduct for which he/she was dismissed, his/her ‘dirty hands’ are likely to disqualify him/her from the right to relief from the CCMA even if the employer was partly at fault. For example, in the case of Simani vs Coca Cola Furtune (2006, 10 BALR 1044) the employee was dismissed for dishonesty. The arbitrator found that the employee, well aware of his guilt, nevertheless approached the CCMA. This was unacceptable as it was not a genuine dispute. The employee came to the CCMA with dirty hands and, in addition to having his case dismissed, was ordered to pay the respondent’s costs resulting from the losses that he had caused.

In the case of Mothibi vs Department of Education – North West [2019] 3 BALR 229 (ELRC) the applicant claimed unfair demotion. He had admitted that, as a school principal, he had used R500 000 paid to the school for his personal benefit. The applicant contended that the procedure that led to the demotion was unfair. The Commissioner accepted the procedural unfairness of the demotion and found that the only possible remedy was compensation. However, as the applicant had sought relief with dirty hands he was not entitled to compensation.

In the light of all the dangers discussed above employers and employees should:

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